Thursday, April 15, 2010

Alternate Flavoring

I mentioned last night another color scheme I am considering using for the Stonecutters. I consider this one closer to the colors seen on the robes in Homer the Great. I wasn't working from the previous template so the actual shades are different, but they should be close enough to make it clear what I am going for. There are a few other differences but nothing significant.

Stonecutters Tactical Marine (alternate)

I'm fairly certain that I prefer the previous version with turquoise trim on the pauldrons over this one. I don't like the combination of red and purple, even if that is more similar to robes in the episode. This seems like a minor point on which to assert artistic license and I do not think it will detract from the overall theme. It's also possible that I could use this in a more limited capacity, perhaps for veterans or whatnot. I do not think either would be more difficult to paint than the other so it really is just a matter of aesthetic and preference. Any thoughts?


  1. Red and Turquoise. Much more sharp.
    Add some yellow in there somewhere and you will make the color wheel happy with its analogous color scheme. :)

  2. Right on! Thanks for the feedback, that's exactly the type of input I was hoping to get. I knew something about the other color scheme seemed unpleasing to the eye so it's cool for me to understand why. Solid use of theory DrGabe, I appreciate it!
